Parents » PTA


Dear Prince George High School parents, teachers and staff,

Welcome to a new and exciting year at Prince George High School! We are looking
forward to saying hello to all of our returning families. A big WELCOME to all new families!!!
It is our honor to be serving as the PTA board this year. We are proud to be working with an
outstanding school administration and look forward to providing some fun events. A big
thank you to all of the past volunteers for your time and energy.

For the PTA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is
essential. Many parents feel that they cannot participate in the PTA because they are not
able to come to meetings or be at the school during the day. We want everyone to feel that
they are a part of the PGHS PTA and community. Whether you have 30 minutes or a couple
of hours, your ideas, your time, your talents and simply your voice is truly needed. We can
match your time constraints and interests to needed tasks. There are endless possibilities in
ways you can help!

All parents and teachers are invited to participate in PTA events. As the new school year
begins, we ask for your support so that we can in turn support both students and the staff.
We will have a table set up at orientation for both membership registrations and purchasing
spirit wear. Membership is even easier this year as we have an easy online registration Keep in mind that by becoming a member, this
will keep you in the loop and be the first to know about different events and PTA sponsored

We have lots of exciting ideas for this year including the annual homecoming dance,
coordinating with athletics to offer some school spirit branding, providing monthly teacher
goodies and kicking off the year with a teacher breakfast.

We are an organization of volunteers! Our events are only a success because of the
amazing parents and teachers who volunteer their time and efforts. We would like to thank
you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, concerns and/or ideas, please
do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Have a great school year and Go Royals!
Julie Stoke – President        vacant– Vice President
Marie Grant – Secretary      Ashley Huggi- Treasurer